A Sea, A Storm, and A Sleeping Savior
Pastor Geoff closed chapter four of Mark by talking about the storm on the Sea of Galilee. In this story Jesus and His disciples are sailing across the sea when a massive storms whips up. The disciples are all in fear for their lives, and Jesus is asleep on the boat. The disciples wake Jesus up and He calms the storm with His words. He then asks the disciples why they were so afraid and why they don't have faith. Pastor Geoff reminded us that we aren't promised that storms won't come in our own lives. It's in these storms that we're reminded how real our faith needs to be and how much confidence and faith we need place in Jesus. The cool thing is, Jesus is on the boat with us and we're never alone in the storm. Then, at some point, Jesus calms the storm. The storms of life may be real, but Jesus is the real deal.